
La Biennale Di Venezia 8th Int’l Architecture Exhibition
Representing Taiwan to participate at the 8th Int’l Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, 2002 THSR Hsinchu Station/Kris Yao is to represent Taiwan team at the Venice architecture Biennial. Yesterday, the Taiwan team to the Venice Architecture Biennial is announced. Starting from September 6th, the THSR Hsinchu Station, which will be completed in 2004, will represent the new trend of Taiwan architecture to be exhibited La Biennale Di Venezia 8th Int’l Architecture Exhibition in Venice.
The news is announced by Wuh-Kuen Lee, Director of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, which is the supervisor of Taiwan Pavilion at the Venice Exhibition. Architect Kris Yao will take his Hsinchu Station design as the Taiwan team to the 8th Venice International Biennial. It is the Taiwan’s second time to join this renowned architecture exhibition. Kris Yao indicated that “the High-Speed Taiwan- THSR Hsinchu Station” is a station design of one of the world’s largest BOT projects, and is also a most important infrastructure that would affect Taiwan for the next 50 years. The project meets the exhibition requirements: being a “going to be” finished global architecture project, an architecture with a significance to its era, and to present the architectural materials and spaces. The project is also to express the trend of Taiwan’s architecture.