
921 Earthquake School Rebuilding Design Award / Liberty Times

921 Earthquake School Rebuilding Design Award / Liberty Times


2nd Prize, 921 Earthquake School Rebuilding Design Award, The 2nd Far Eastern Architectural Design Award, 2000 After an eight-hour marathon discussion carried out by the 11 juries, the additional award list of the “special awards of the 921 earthquake school rebuilding award” was finally announced. Kris Yao (Shuang Wen Junior High School of Nan-Tou County) was awarded with the 2nd prize.

在投票的過程中,第一名、第二名在第一輪投票中同樣得到十票,後來在第二輪改以給分方式,分別以二十分比十五分判定名次。評審委員一致認為今年十位得獎者的水準整齊,為了避免有遺珠之憾,特別再「九二一校園重建建築獎」的前三名之外,增加特別獎兩名,分別是Forest Ship森環總和計劃集團(南投縣鹿谷鄉廣興國小),與林洲民建築師(民和國小及國中)。


Reporter Hui Ching Hsieh, Liberty Times / Taipei (2000.09.11)